Greetings cinephiles.
Welcome to the first post of Filmblerg – a title that marries together two of our favourite things, movies and 30 Rock’s Liz Lemon, our patron saint.
Each post on this blog is a little filmblerg in itself. A place for us to put forth small reviews, thoughts, distractions and other tidbits on the films we have viewed recently, want to see quite desperately and old revisited favourites. One part discipline, one part motivation and one part fun, the aim is to inspire us to keep slogging away at our keyboards, order our somewhat incoherent thoughts and bully each other til we cry.
But firstly, who are we?
Alex Lagerwey is a perpetual third year cinema student who has studied all over the film map, from film noir to screenwriting – none of it very well as she was always distracted by other shiny film things. She has a fondness for anything by Almodovar, Scorsese, Todd Haynes and Tarantino and her not-so-guilty-pleasure films include musicals and Disney flicks and anything even remotely camp. When she isn’t wasting time at the cinemas or in front of the telly she can be found at SYN Radio broadcasting to Melbourne on a range of topics, mostly film and music related. She has an addiction to friend crushes and would love to hear from you at
James Madden is…apart from awesome (Alex wrote that and I’m keeping it in!)…a roaming young mind, who has just finished his arts degree, majoring in cinema and media studies, studying such diverse areas as Australian and Sci-Fi cinema to Gender theory and analytical psychology applied to film and TV. He has just returned from a semester abroad in sunny ol’ England (HA!) and eagarly awaits gainful employment. Until then, he will continue work at JB Hi Fi, and can be found rummaging through the works of Allen, Burton and Altman. Jamie will soon join Alex at SYN, and just like her, he has a fondness for Disney, musicals and the shitty rom-com. Jamie has also been an active blogger and contributor to online and student newspaper publications and you can view his blog with The Vine here. Feel free to drop him a line at

‘Invention, my dear friends, is ninety-three percent perspiration, six percent electricity, four percent evaporation, and two percent butterscotch ripple.’ – Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 1971)