The Oscar Race: Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress

This week we’re looking at the very interesting categories of Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress. Like I’ve said in previous posts, this feature is not focusing on who will win, but who is nominated. Despite this disclaimer, I think I can place a safe bet on who will win the Best Supporting Actress Oscar. Best Actor is a little more unpredictable, but let’s take a look.

Hollywood's golden boy is set for another nomination

Best Actor:

  • Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart
  • George Clooney, Up in the Air
  • Colin Firth, A Single Man
  • Morgan Freeman, Invictus
  • Jeremey Renner, The Hurt Locker

So far, these gentlemen have been appearing on critics and major pre Oscar awards lists everywhere. The critical favourites are Renner and Clooney, with all other predicted nominees also scoring fairly spread out love from the critics. Whats interesting about this race, is that it seems to be fairly predictable in regards to working out who will be nominated. However, that does not mean there is not even room for surprises. Look out for possible mentions to Viggo Mortensen in The Road and also Michael Stuhlbarg in A Serious Man.

Watch out for this one!

Best Supporting Actress:

  • Penelope Cruz, Nine
  • Vera Farmiga, Up in the Air
  • Anna Kendrick, Up in the Air
  • Mo’Nique, Precious, based on the novel Push! by Sapphire
  • Julianne Moore, A Single Man

Here is the category where I’m claiming golf for Mo’Nique already. But that’s not what this feature is about, like mentioned beforehand, and lets consider the other potential nominees. Penelope Cruz is fresh from her win in Vicky Christina Barcelona, so there is a slight chance that recognition is not overdue, but at the same time, we know that the Academy love her. Julianne Moore puts in a small performance, and is one of the most overdue actors working today, so I can see a nomination coming her way, no matter however warranted. Kendrick and Farmiga are fairly surefire entries, althought the Academy has ignored Farmiga before, so I do see the chance of a possible snub for her. Cannot see it occuring for Kendrick though. Strangely enough, she has age on her side, as the Academy love to acknowledge the younger actor in this category (Abigail Breslin, Saoirse Ronan, Tatum O’Neal, Patty Duke, etc….)

Next week for our final prediction special before the major award shows begin to distribute their awards, I’ll be discussing Best Actress and the Screenplays.

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