Upcoming Releases

Just a quick little piece on the most enticing upcoming releases, coming out soon.

THE ROAD (28 Jan)

Cormac McCarthy’s Pulitzer Prize winner brought to screen. Viggo. That little Aussie kid Kodi from Romulus. I’ve heard mixed things, but I’m very excited. Mainly from knowing very little of the story, and keeping it that way until I see it. The less I know, the better.


The must see indie drama of the year. Some serious acting shown here. Mo’Nique, coming out of nowhere and wowing the pants off everyone. I’d love to read the book too, but it seems that Lee Daniel’s little film is just the must see film of the year for me.


The film that will win Jeff Bridges an Oscar, and the most likely winner for Best Song. Seeming similar to Once, and other Indie down on their luck comeback kid dramas like last year’s Mickey Rourke vehicle The Wrestler.


Scorsese’s latest and another union with Leo. No crazy Oscar love like what The Departed received, which was Scorsese’s last feature film (2008’s Shine a Light will be of course counted as a documentary. And I need to see that one too!)


The chance that Colin Firth gets to show off his acting chops. And it seems to be dazzling audiences worldwide. Critical acclaim follows both Firth and Julianne Moore’s (short and boozy) performance. And he plays a gay. An interesting piece for mainstream Hollywood.


Sandra Bullock’s breakthrough role (sounds strange, I know, but accordingly this film has been showing her dramatic acting chops; similar to Firth). Inspiring true story, trailer looks amazing. Read an interesting article regarding stereotypes of black people in The Blind Side and Precious. Can’t wait to dissect and compare these stereotypical notions.


Okay, I actually saw this on a plane. And I would love to see it again. Forget James Cameron, his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow is the director of the year. Her shots are something to be in awe of. And it’s such an interesting look at the mindset of a soldier. It’s part lacking in agenda, part pushing an agenda in the mind of the viewer, depending on the intrepretation. I do have to see it again, and then hopefully will write something on it. SEE IT!


Burton’s latest adaptation of a literary classic (not to mention the film version). Charlie and the Chocolate Factory received mixed reviews, as will Alice, me thinks. I personally think it will Burtonesque wonderful. However, I’m not too crazy about seeing Johnny Depp being blown up as THE star. But, I shall ignore for now.

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