Okay, so it’s been a while…

Dear reader(s) / (no one actually reads this except for my future self) / (future self),

Yes, it has been a long time between drinks. This, I will conveniently blame on my voyage back into academic life and the joys that come with feeding the university machine.

Not all bad news though. I’ve been writing for Melbourne Uni’s Farrago magazine, and having a ball doing so. Read my latest piece with them here.

And now onto the news:

  1. I will be forcing myself to return to the film review world in just a few short weeks when I am blessed with six-weeks off between semesters.
  2. I have been watching many a film and blerging about anything worthwhile on my twitter
  3. My most recent favourite on the quickflix list (of which I had to downgrade thanks to limited time and funds!) has been Basic Instinct. Well, actually, favourite is a strong word reserved for those without a proper grip on reality, as was the case when writing that sentence about 9 seconds ago. However, it is quite the interesting film, and it had not been spoiled for me before viewing. Perhaps this was the biggest surprise that came with the film. However, add this in a blender with Fatal Attraction and you’ve got the perfect feminist film essay (and I’m sure there would be scores of them.)

And finally, in other news, I am clearly suffering from a bout of productive and yet still dangerously destructive and potentially fatal procrastination.

For the sake of everyone, I will now shut up, but promise some upcoming pieces:

  • Controversial Cannes entry and Aussie flick Snowtown, out on limited release now
  • New Aussie flick with a less than auspicious title Oranges and Sunshine, released June 9
  • Julia Leigh’s controversial (and I’m guessing Jane Campionesque) Sleeping Beauty released June 23
  • Terrence Malick’s equally provocative and long-awaited Tree of Life, released June 30
  • and if I’m a lucky a few more. I cannot wait!!!!!!!!

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