Film Review: Oranges and Sunshine (2010)

Oranges and Sunshine is based on a true story that details the discovery of a child migration scheme by a Nottingham social worker in 1986. Over a period of time in the 1950s and 1960s, thousands of children from poverty-stricken homes were transported to a “better life” in sunny Australia. The film sees the establishment of the Child Migrants Trust which reunites the deported children with their families back in England.

An unimaginable history and a horrific past encapsulate the film. Set in the mid-late 1980s, it is the cases of “home children” that are focused on, taking front seat ahead of the political struggles and government acknowledgement. History of child migration has been seen before in Phillip Noyce’s Rabbit Proof Fence in 2002, citing a shameful period in Australia’s history (an era of the White Australia Policy.) The film’s release comes at an important time, where apologies have only occurred within the last couple of years under the Rudd and Brown governments in Australia and England, over 50 years after the actual events took place.

Emily Watson plays Margaret Humphreys, the social worker who came across these cases. As a character within a film, there are appropriate conventions that are met. Humphreys is naturally compassionate, empathetic and maternal. As a mother with young children, there are scenes that portray the choice and sacrifices made between career and family. However, these scenes are not depicted in the familiar Hollywood-style confrontational conflict formulaic scenes. Margaret’s husband (Richard Dillane) and children are supportive and yet still miss her absence, striking an important and realistic equilibrium.

Oranges and Sunshine sees the feature film directorial debut of Jim Loach, who up until now has directed television series and serials. Loach is also the son of prolific filmmaker Ken Loach, and it seems that the apple (or orange or any proverbial fruit) does not fall far from the tree. Loach doesn’t shy away from sentimentality, and brings just the right amount of emotional weight to the screen, which in other hands could border on morose.

The strength of Rona Munro’s script lies in the confessional-style accounts from the victims of the scheme in their meeting with Humphreys. These meetings showcase an array of familiar Australia faces, outside of the two headliners (David Wenham and Hugo Weaving), Tara Morice, Geoff Morrell, Russell Dykstra, and Greg Stone to name a few.

While set in Perth, the film was shot in Adelaide, and the Australia depicted conjures up images of yesteryear, and of a convict settlement. Indeed Australia’s identity relates back to the Commonwealth whereupon housing English exports is a historical pastime. Both aesthetically and in actuality, the destinations to where the children were sent existed in the desolate and baron outback; a familiar Australian image. The sunny sea shore showcases another familiar image of Australia as a paradise; to which the deceitful promises of “oranges and sunshine” were imparted to the children when deported.

Being a joint production between Australia and the UK, there is a mix of both local and international talent. Locally, lead actors Weaving and Wenham both give emotionally anguished performances, with a special mention for Weaving. Small parts played by the aforementioned grown-up Australians showcase good talent. Also locally, Lisa Gerrard provides a kind score that is sentimental and emotionally evocative. Internationally, Watson is wonderful and brings a poignant and positive portrayal a selfless social worker, without placing Humphreys into martyrdom.

Hitting the mark with the cultural zeitgeist also sees the films release come at a time of the popular family reunion series. Who Do You Think You Are? and Find My Family are just two shows that track the genealogical roots of family trees, and both show the appeal to a very interested audience. Oranges and Sunshine follow in this track.

Harrowing and emotional, Oranges and Sunshine is a small film about a huge injustice. It both details the heroic struggle of one woman, and of thousands of children. It is an important film historically, and is still incredibly timely. Just recently, wards of the Fairbridge Farm School have brought legal action against the school itself, and against the Federal and State governments for turning a blind eye against the abuse that existed. Without doubt, we will be hearing more of the stories of the migrated children, such as the ones featured in the compelling Oranges and Sunshine.

Oranges and Sunshine is on release now in Australia through Icon Films.


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1 Comment

  • A blot on the morals and consciousness of two governments who tried to cover it up. A scandal beyond measure. Thank goodness for Margaret Humphreys.

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