Another New and Insane Project

So it seems that once again, for some strange and unknown reason, I am planning another project. An assignment if you will. However, unlike my MIFF Intentions project, I want to be proud of this project. Not that I see my MIFF Intentions project as having failed, but in comparison to the 60 films in 17 days project, it is quite the modest project.

My next assignment was born when a particular question that popped into my head: “What is your favourite Australian film?”

Favourites...could Muriel be the lucky one?

It is not usual for questions like the aforementioned to pop into my head. Not only did I complete a major in Cinema Studies, but I am also borderline insane. The second semester of my Masters degree is only two weeks in, and already I am devising another time-consuming and entertainingly distracting form of healthy procrastination.

When I ask the question “What is your favourite film ever?” to myself, an answer surfaces immediately. In fact, there are two main contenders. Firstly, Rosemary’s Baby has been residing in spot #1 for at least 5 years now. Annie Hall also makes its way up to that spot too in the last few years. However, when I consider my former question about Australian cinema, no quick answer springs to mind.

It is not like I am unfamiliar with Australian cinema. Without being an aficionado, I’ve seen my fair share of Australian films. I even took a class at La Trobe University with Dr. Felicity Collins called Contemporary Australian Cinema. Not only did I take the class, but I enjoyed it immensely and received good marks too!

To be honest from the get-go, I can conjure up some favourites when considering the answer to the question at hand. Lantana, Love and Other Catastrophes, High Tide and Muriel’s Wedding do jump to the front of the queue in my brain list.

However, this project is going to be something like a personal log. So I should outline some rough guidelines to establish my intentions to the world.

AIM: To have a definite answer to the question “What is your favourite Australian film?”

METHOD: Watch and rewatch as many Australian films as possible and document my thoughts on said films.

TIMELINE: No set timeline. Efforts can and most likely will be varied and sporadic, but with the greatest intentions at heart.

STYLE: Any word count is suitable, as is any particular style of review. Review can even be disguised in the form of general thoughts. Basically, anything will do! The main purpose is just to watch and state my case.


And now, without further adieu, I commence forth with “THE FAVOURITE AUSTRALIAN FILM ASSIGNMENT”.

My first post will be on the terrific HIGH TIDE.

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