Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

Recently over at Stale Popcorn, Glenn Dunks revealed a hidden truth behind the marketing of new Aussie film Surviving Georgia. The film had been marketing itself with a 4-star review from The Guardian‘s online site. In fact, the review came from a user which was mysteriously dated weeks before the film’s release.

After writing a rather scathing review, Crikey blogger Luke Buckmaster went further to ponder the idea that the team behind Surviving Georgia may have had something to do with this glowing inclusion.

Encore magazine spoke to one of the films stars and producers Spencer McLaren on Monday, who vehemently denied any intentional misleading actions, citing a mish mash of marketing groups as the cause for the slip up.

Coming home after a long, stretched out day at uni, I was too tired to even pick up the Melbourne based train rag mX and have my usual quick glance. However, just as I was getting off the train, a headline on the front page stood out to me.

“AUSSIE FILM IN REVIEW FURORE” was practically screaming out to me, and I turned to the advertised fourth page and read on.

Being familiar with the story that was now a week old, something struck me as troubling. Reporter Nadia Salemme had neglected to give credit to Dunks, Buckmaster and Encore magazine who all played key roles in the unfolding debacle. Perhaps my cynical and already jaded mind was not surprised by this omission, but a huge lack of respect was glaringly obvious. My point is plain and simple: one should give the appropriate credit where credit is due.

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