FAFA Returns with a Weekly Friday Feature

In August, Film Blerg began a project that became known as the Favourite Australian Film Assignment. The purpose was fairly simple: see as many Australian films as possible in order to have a definite answer to the question “What is your favourite Australian film.”

As luck would have it, FAFA slipped away in the following months, and became less of a feature as originally intended. Now due to holiday breaks, Film Blerg is pleased to announce that it will now be featuring weekly instalments on FAFA every Friday.

The criterion remains the same: Australian films past and present will be reviewed in order to find the favourite. New theatrical releases are also included in FAFA, allowing for the widest discussion possible. Repeat viewings of previously seen films will occur as the FAFA discussion continues.

To view our already reviewed films, follow the link to our FAFA page.

An exciting release will restart the dialogue tomorrow when we look at Patrick Hughes’ Red Hill from 2010.


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