12 Days of Christmas Films

Here at Film Blerg, the festive season has had marginal impact on the content featured. UNTIL NOW!

Starting December 13, Film Blerg’s “12 Days of Christmas Films” will see a joyful posting each day with insightful musings on the featured Christmas pick.

The premise: The 12 days before Christmas will feature a dazzling variety of Christmas films to celebrate the season in the least cheeziest way possible.

Time frame: Instead of the traditional 12 days of Christmas time frame that follows the 25th, Film Blerg will see the 12 days of Christmas occurring beforehand beginning on December 13.

Content: Mixed and varied is the easiest way to describe the programmed selection. Some clichéd picks are inevitable, but hopefully some picks will be a nice divergent too.

Defining Christmas Films: Christmas as a theme is the general requirement for our feature. God knows there are many films out there that feature Christmas as an event or a backdrop but don’t have Christmas as the overriding theme of the film.

What to expect?: Why, the unexpected naturally! But hopefully the feature will see a pleasing list of films to help greet the annual day of ultimate consumerism, basking in the hidden capitalist ways of our times.

And finally, Why?: Well, why the hell not really!

See you on December 13 for our first pick. And it’s a good one too!

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