A Few More Pardon Slaps

Our extremely popular series of Classic Slaps proved to be too much fun for this writer at Film Blerg. As two weeks have passed since the finale of ABC’s The Slap which inspired this series, I thought it was important to take a look at those films which were left on the slapping room floor.

n.b. You can still check out the slaps that made it here.

American Beauty (1999)

Not just one, but two slaps feature in this remarkable film, written by Six Feet Under creator Alan Ball, and directed by Sam Mendes. My personal favourite is the second clip showed here with the incredible, career-best performance by Annette Bening. As good is this first slap that Bening deals daughter Jane (Thora Birch).



There Will Be Blood (2007)

Paul Thomas Anderson’s masterpiece stays in my mind for a little quote about milkshakes. While I relive my unquenchable thirst, enjoy this slap ’em up scene as Paul Dano and Daniel Day Lewis slap each other silly.


Mommie Dearest (1981)

Less a slap fest, and more a beat ’em riot, Faye Dunaway (my sister/my daughter/my sister scene from week 6) stars as Hollywood legend Joan Crawford (also seen in week 2) in the biopic based on the memoir by Crawford’s adopted daughter Christina. Dunaway is simply demented as Crawford. There are no other words. The film almost ruined Dunaway’s career and reputation. Let’s see why in this glorious short clip:


Monster-In-Law (2005)

Jane Fonda made a return to the big screen after a 15 year break. Maybe not the finest of performances from anyone, but this simple little ditty does have one nice slap filled moment that can be seen below. The first minute is all you need to see really, with the rest having a complete lack of slapping involved.


Raging Bull (1980)

Robert De Niro won his first Best Actor Academy Award and second in total for his turn as boxer Jake LaMotta. Scorsese’s film exhibits a fine amount of filmmaking. The less wonderful moments may concern De Niro slapping the shit out of Cathy Moriarty in her screen debut. Or do I mean the best moments concern De Niro slapping the shit out of Cathy Moriarty in her screen debut?


Finally, I part you with this fine slap compilation made by some wonderful person on youtube. God bless technology.


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