Every week Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries gets better and better. The now charming and delicious Detective Jack (Nathan Page) has started to work his flirty man powers over Miss Fisher (Essie Davis) and she is loving every moment of it and honestly, so are we.
Tonight’s episode ‘Murder in Montparnasse’ is not to be missed for hard core Fishy fans. The story is very modern and mysterious involving an art theft, a murder in the main street and the ever-lovely Burt (Travis McMahon) being hunted down by a serial killer as it’s revealed he was a witness to a murder in France ten years ago. Special guest appearances by Vince Colosimo and Peter O’Brien (who looks so much better now than in The Flying Doctors!) show they are a force to be reckoned with as great baddies.
The ongoing romance between Collins (Hugo Johnstone-Burt) and Dot (Ashleigh Cummins) almost comes to a standstill as Dot struggles with Collins protestant-ness but she finds out a cheeky way to get around the church dilemma and still date her man. All that can be said about the romance heating up between Miss Fisher and Detective Jack is that tonight is a turning point that cannot be missed. Will they see each other in a different light? Can Miss Fisher resist Jack’s charm? Is Jack’s ‘one-layer-less’ look going to continue? And when, oh when, do we find out how Miss Fisher got rich, how her sister died and why she’s just so gosh darn fiesty?
Over half way through this series and the romantic tension is building wonderfully. Plus they solve the murder, speak French and save the day. Couldn’t ask for more than that.
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Every Cloud Production and airs Fridays at 8.30pm on ABC1. Click here to read more episode reviews in the series.