FAFA: The Interview (1998)

A dawn raid of Eddie Fleming’s (Hugo Weaving) apartment throws him into a world of chaos as he is dragged to his local police station to answer questions about the disappearance of family man Mr. Beecroft.

It appears clear, initially, that Fleming isn’t their man but when, after hours of being detained, he begins to weave a tale of murder and violent dreams that haunt him and the investigating officers know they have their man. He begins weak, demure and clearly confused and progresses to full blown psychopath and is a role that won Hugo Weaving a well deserved AFI for Best Actor in 1999.

The investigating police are Detective Sargeant John Steele, a tough no-nonsense cop played perfectly by the amazing Tony Martin in a role that defined him to film goers in the nineties. He is essentially the glue that binds this brilliant film together. By his side is confronting, rude and plain arrogant Detective Senior Constable Wayne Prior, a far but wonderful leap for young actor Aaron Jeffery.

They play their cards close to their chest and are cunning manipulators of Fleming, all without the knowledge that they themselves are being investigated by Internal Affairs, who are secretly recording the interview and analyzing them. The two cops work together to take Fleming down, unaware it is their conduct during the interview that just might be what sets the conniving Fleming free.

Written by Gordon Davie and directed by Craig Monahan in 1999 ‘The Interview’ is written as almost a stage play, and would work perfectly in that medium, using three main characters, one room and a table dividing them. With an ending so disturbing it will stay in your mind for years to come. It leaves the viewer questioning and wondering about whom amongst us could be the next Mr. Fleming and forces us to ask ourselves; how well do we really know our neighbours? A chilling film that will have you guessing until the last frame.

The Interview is A Pointblank Picture and was released in 1998.

5 blergs

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