Synopsis: Annie (Géraldine Chaplin), Jean (Guy Bedos), Claude (Claude Rich), Albert (Pierre Richard) and Jeanne (Jane Fonda) have been friends for more than 40 years. So when memories let them down, heart rates quicken and their families plot their future in retirement homes they decide to rebel and live all together. Their new communal lifestyle provides plenty of surprises, challenges and adventure but soon stirs up memories and hidden secrets from the past.
Starring: Jane Fonda, Geraldine Chaplin, Daniel Bruhl
Director: Stephane Robelin
Writer: Stephane Robelin
Origin: France
Australian Distributor: Madman Films
Release Date: Thurs 26 July
Verdict: This looks charming!!! And what acting legends in just Jane Fonda and Geraldine Chaplin alone. Cannot wait for this French piece of fun.