Synopsis: From the producers of Little Miss Sunshine – When an unusual classified ad inspires three cynical Seattle magazine employees to look for the story behind it, they discover a mysterious eccentric named Kenneth, a likable but paranoid supermarket clerk, who believes hes solved the riddle of time travel and intends to depart again soon. Together, they embark on a hilarious, smart, and unexpectedly heartfelt journey that reveals how far believing can take you.
Starring: Aubrey Plaza, Mark Duplass, Jake Johnson
Director: Colin Trevorrow
Writer: Derek Connolly
Australian Distributor: Rialto Distribution
Release Date: Thurs 26 July
Verdict: A hit at Sundance, this indie-flavoured flick from the producers of Little Miss Sunshine looks enjoyable in that Charlie Kauffman/off-centre type of way. Closing the Sydney Film Festival, this will be one to watch!