TV Recap: The Doctor Blake Mysteries, Episode 3

Hurrah! The Power of Craig (TPOC) has finally come to pass! Last night’s episode titled ‘Death of a travelling salesman’ had all the action one could ask for.

dr blake ep3Hurrah! The Power of Craig (TPOC) has finally come to pass! Last night’s episode titled ‘Death of a travelling salesman’ had all the action one could ask for.  A snake bite from an Asian Pit Viper and a man who keeps snakes in his basement, a secret gay (gasp!) relationship, an awkward romance heating up between Mattie (Cate Wolfe) and Danny(Rick Donald), a possible moment of a teeny hint of interest between Lucien (Craig Mclachlan) and super-efficient housekeeper Jean (Nadine Gardner), smoking in pubs, placing bets with goons plus a fast paced storyline that made me consider Craig’s ‘shirt worthiness’ due to his kind nature and acceptance of ‘homosexuals’ in a time when they could be charged with ‘unnatural acts’.

Pfft! Our Lucien stands up for all people! All that action we needed has finally arrived!  No more boring pool and pub scenes. Less drinking and more hotness. Also noted was Lucien’s wit and sense of humour that is very amusing and even sarcastic at times.  I knew that it was surely a matter of time before TPOC kicked in!dr blake mysteries

Meanwhile, Jean’s feeling a little overworked and although it takes Lucien awhile to figure it out, although her attitude was obvious to all womankind, it was lovely to see him fetch her a well-earned cup of tea after she had been beating the hell out of a rug with a broom. Ah yes, 1959 and the lack of a working vacuum means hard work for the woman of the house.

The ‘weep counter’ remains steady at 2 out of 3 as Lucien almost cried again but held back the tears….just!  He’s such a sensitive modern fellow our Lucien isn’t he?  Accepting of ‘alternative’ lifestyles, weeping at the drop of a wide brimmed hat, trimming and maintaining great neat facial hair (that’s still quite sexy by the way).

Now, all we need him to do is ‘woo’ Jean and pash her good.  It’s just the right thing to do and quite frankly it’s what we all want to see.  Ok, I want to see it mainly. In all honesty, I don’t know how children ever came about before 1960.  People seemed to be wearing way too many clothes on a consistent basis. Now all that needs to happen is Lucien needs to wear a nice crisp white shirt only so us ladies can properly see what we are dealing with here.  We can’t compare the delicious Det. Jack (Nathan Page) with Lucien until we see the…um…goods. Let’s hope episode four is just as awesome!

The Doctor Blake Mysteries airs on Fridays at 8:30pm on ABC1. Read more episode reviews of this series.

4 blergs
4 blergs

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