The final installment of The Doctor Blake Mysteries has finally come to pass, aptly titled ‘Someone’s Son, Someone’s Daughter’. There was sobbing by our beautiful sexy Lucien (Craig McLachlan) which puts weep counter at 3/10 which is less than what it felt like at the time of watching. There was yelling by house wifey type Jean (Nadine Garner) as well as a murder that looked like a suicide and a surprising act of kindness from Lawson (Joel Tobeck) which made up for his meanness and sour looks throughout this series.
This final episode had no love interests sorted out but instead we found out that Lucien’s wife had died and that his daughter was in an orphanage in Singapore. So, Lucien has left his practice to find her and bring her home. In a symbolic moment he requested his new name plaque be fitted and his father’s name removed once and for all from the practice entry, hopefully in a bid to stop people comparing him to his father. A fresh start is what our Lucien needs the most.
In a clever turn of events it was Gus, the assistant to Lucien, who turned out to be the murderer. Honestly, I guessed it but it was still fun watching him get caught. Gus was always a weirdo and it didn’t surprise me that he was a bad egg in the end.
There are lots of places to go for a second series of this new Aussie drama. If one is commissioned we can only hope that it’s a much faster paced series than the first. Let’s see Mattie (Cate Wolfe) and Danny (Rick Donald) get together. Let’s see Jean declaring her love for Lucien and him returning her affections. Let’s see more story happening and a plot devised to keep us on the edge of our seats and let’s see less of the inside of the Ballarat Police Station.
The final episode tied up some loose ends and made us feel good about Lucien’s new journey to find his daughter. Let’s hope the second series begins with Lucien’s arrival home with the daughter he left behind. There’s lots of drama to be had with this storyline and I sincerely hope the next series doesn’t just roll on, ho hum style, as this one did.
So, we bid farewell to the sexiest beard in television history and hope Craig McLachlan gets his gear off in season two as well as continuing to solve murderers in his own unique way. It’s The Power Of Craig (TPOC) that will always win us over in the end.
The Doctor Blake Mysteries concluded on Friday at 8:30pm on ABC1. Read more episode reviews of this series.

How can his daughter be in an orphanage – she is 23!