TV Recap: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, 2×3

I can’t say for sure what really happened in Episode 3 of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries but I’m sure there was a crime and it was solved in a witty and charming way by Miss Fisher (Essie Davis) and Det. Jack.

3Apologies for the late posting but after Friday night, seeing a dripping wet Det. Jack (Nathan Page) in a tight black bathing suit, I passed out and woke up this morning with Betty the cat licking my eyelids for water and with the ABC still blaring in the background.  I can’t say for sure what really happened in Episode 3 of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries but I’m sure there was a crime and it was solved in a witty and charming way by Miss Fisher (Essie Davis) and Det. Jack.  I mainly remember the ocean and Det. Jack being in it briefly, until he walked out, James-Bond-Daniel-Craig-Style, in a black swimsuit with tight black shorty shorts and a singlet.  Hair ruffled and flicky.  So. Very. Hot.

I really wish I could tell you more.  I thought my heart actually stopped.  I’ve re-read my notes to re-fresh my memory.

There WAS a murder!  Our beloved Miss Fisher was supposed to be on holiday when a man turns up dead on the beach.  Jack takes over the investigation by pulling rank on the police officer in charge.  He had a certain air of Christian Grey naughtiness about him, taking control and being assertive. I liked it.  Betty liked it.  Every woman watching the ABC liked it secondary to beachy dripping wet sexy Jack scene.

I think we should set up a Nathan Page Page on Facebook.  We can Google him and share pictures of him with and without his wide brimmed abomination.  Swoon!!

Anyway, I digress, two more bodies show up as Aunt Prudence (Miriam Margolyes) describes Queenscliff as, ‘Such a select day tripping spot until the riff raff moved in’.  I love her blatant elitism. So Basil Faulty.

After much talk of ‘bootleg’ grog the crime is solved (of course) by a very nosy Miss Fisher who is almost taken out by guest star, and killer, Dan Wyllie while Jack comes to the rescue a moment too late.

Here’s hoping season 2 brings more murders to solve and less clothes on our beloved Detective.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Every Cloud Production and airs Fridays at 8.30pm on ABC1. Click here to read more episode reviews in the series.

5 blergs
5 blergs

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1 Comment

  • Just seen this episode in NZ and noticed for the first time how decidedly pregnant Ashleigh Cummings (Dot) is looking…. I wonder how the wardrobe department will continue to tackle this as the season progresses.

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