TV Recap: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, 2×5

Episode 5 was all about fashion and fashionistas. I was hoping SBS’s Lee Lin Chin may have made a special appearance but no dice. Beginning with the death of an old lady, who had been stabbed with a hair pin.

miss fisher ep5I have found my first moral issue with the delightful Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries! Phryne (Essie Davis) openly admitted and relished in wearing fox fur!!!  I’m trying to get over it, I really am.  I know it was the 20’s.  I know everyone did it back then but I can’t help feeling disappointed that this is the area Miss Fisher isn’t a thoroughly modern woman!  My love for this feisty awesome detective has diminished a small amount because she wore a dead fox overcoat.  Poor dead Mr. Fox.  I’m hoping the coat was really made out of the fur of maimed teddies.  I can at least justify their deaths, their fluffy souls made to warm Miss Fisher’s kidneys.

Episode 5 was all about fashion and fashionistas.  I was hoping SBS’s Lee Lin Chin may have made a special appearance but no dice.  Beginning with the death of an old lady, who had been stabbed with a hair pin.  Then had her preciously expensive pearls stolen right off her dead neck. Preposterous! Outrageous! Wonderful, because we knew the old biddy probably had it coming!

Miss Fisher uncovers an international gem smuggling racket.  The French model perpetrator had been using dresses to smuggle the expensive gems out of the country.  Along the way poor Dotty (Ashleigh Cummings) gets a tad offended when poor old Hugh (Hugo Johnstone-Burt)) seems to be more interested in the models at the fashion boutique rather than in Dotty’s brown attire.  She is looking a little dowdy though! Give the woman some clothes that don’t make her look like old mother hubbard already!  I know she’s demure and conservative but she doesn’t have to look like Bronwyn Bishop!  Try Julie Bishop people!!

The delicious Det. Jack (Nathan Page) seems to be keeping a bit of a low profile in this episode but still seems to have fireworks on screen everytime he and Miss Fisher are on screen together.  They do seem like such a naughty couple.  Jack all uptight and proper and Phryne all modern (excluding dead foxes) and snazzy.

The chemistry is getting more electric as each episode passes.  Now, we just need jack in his swimming gear all the time and hopefully some real magic might happen!

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Every Cloud Production and airs Fridays at 8.30pm on ABC1. Click here to read more episode reviews in the series.

2 blergs
2 blergs: Solely based on the fox fur incident






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1 Comment

  • Kate! Did you find Nathan’s FB page?? Did you sign Betty the Cat onto it as well?

    Last ep much better. Her fashion sense is wonderful. I hope Dot gets a makeover!

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