TV Recap: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, 2×6

We are half way through the second season of the delightful Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and episode six, ‘Marked for Murder’, shows us that even back in the 1920’s, the dear folk of Melbourne were just as obsessed with AFL as they are today.

miss fisher ep6We are half way through the second season of the delightful Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and episode six, ‘Marked for Murder’, shows us that even back in the 1920’s, the dear folk of Melbourne were just as obsessed with AFL as they are today.

The episode begins with a stolen ‘lucky’ hat and moves onto the suspicious looking death of the key player for the Abbotsford footy club.

Worth a mention too, even though no one will remember because I’m the oldest, weirdest person in the world, was the guest appearance of an ex home and away star.  Remember Adam? Bobby’s Husband before he died in that boat accident?  I knew you wouldn’t.  Anyway, he was in this episode and was looking exactly the same as he did in the early nineties but in fancier clothes.

The delicious Det. Jack (Nathan Page) is super flirty with Phryne (Essie Davis) tonight and as usual in the last scene they share staring looks of lust and a wonderous scarf exchange as they enjoy the footy together, in team colours that look a little bit like Christmas.

After bagging out poor Dotty (Ashleigh Cummings) and her wardrobe last week I found out the lovely actress was in fact pregnant!  Now, I feel like a bit of a jerk face.  Understandably they couldn’t have Dot up the duff!  So, apologies to the wardrobe department!  Meanwhile, one loyal viewer has let me know that there is a Nathan Page Page on facebook.  Even better is the ‘The DI Jack Appreciation Society’ page on facebook too!  Naturally, I joined the gang and I’m spreading the word to join the page to uncover the awesome world of the hottie sex-symbol Det.Jack.  Here, women of the ABC, we can look at Jack all through the week instead of having to wait for Friday nights!  There’s lots of wide brimmed abomination shots but also many comments about how Jack should be wearing less.  These are our type of ladies!  You must find this page and we can all share our Det. Jack lovin’. Even Betty the cat was purring with satisfaction about that!

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Every Cloud Production and airs Fridays at 8.30pm on ABC1. Click here to read more episode reviews in the series.

3 blergs
3 blergs
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  • Excellent review as always. And thank you for mentioning the page! I would be happy if they removed that damn overcoat or whatever it is at the very least!

    And now I am kicking myself for not naming it the Nathan Page Page!

  • Here in NZ we have just seen episode 3 of the second series, the one set in Queenscliff with the missing coins and 3 dead bodies, and I noticed how much bigger Dot was to the previous week – then suddenly realised she had the right shape to be pregnant, of which the wardrobe department had done a good job of concealing… apart from the fact that I noticed it. So of course I googled “is Ashleigh Cummings pregnant” and found only this page to confirm my suspicions. Glad I wasn’t just imagining things! I assume now from this post that it becomes more noticable in future episodes.

    • Like Ellie I was googling up “Ashleigh Cummings pregnant” and found this 🙂 My wife and I are just watching Season 2 Ep 1 and thought Dot was looking particularly fuller of face and body and figured she was pregnant.

  • I have been wondering for a few weeks if Ashleigh might be pregnant after noticing how much she was filling out! In an unrelated note Adam was not Bobby’s husband on Home and Away, Greg was. It was Adam who caused the boat accident that killed Bobby.

  • Love Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries and all the main characters. I too, noticed Dottie’s blossoming size. But she looked cute and wardrobe did a great job hiding it. Now that all that is done, let’s get back to season four!! Jack chasing Frynie to England and Hugh and Dottie should be back from their honeymoon. Having serious Fisher Mysteries withdrawals????????????!!!

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