Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Hugh (Hugo Johnstone-Burt) finally proposed to Dotty!! (Ashleigh Cummings) It was so cute! So magical! So sigh worthy. Betty the cat and I were both using the box of tissues, me for tears and Betty as a head rest but I digress…
I love that we didn’t see it coming! And it was just so super romantic and perfect.
There’s only three episodes left of the delectable Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and although it’s not as ‘edge-of-your-seat-crazy-murdoch-is-going-to-haunt-our-nightmares’ type stuff this season has really just been so lovely. Our most darling and delicious Det. Jack (Nathan Page) and the flawlessly beautiful Miss Fisher (Essie Davis) are getting closer and closer to a teeny bit of a pash I think.
Friday night’s episode the small town of Maiden Creek was starting to echo similarities of The League of Gentleman’s fictional town of Royston Vasey. I was starting to wonder when Tubbs would appear and ask Miss Fisher if she was a local. Shiver.
After the three main townspeople were found out for concealing a murder and then killing another boy to cover it up, our Jack and Phryne were back to drinking red wine and flirting endlessly.
I thought we were finally in luck when Jack had his wide brimmed abomination shot off his head! He continued to wear it with a hole straight through it! Surely, I thought, finally this is the end of that ridiculous hat! Luck was not on my side as Miss Fisher replaced the bloody thing with an even bigger wide brimmed abomination!! Although Jack did look a bit sexy with it all sideways and uneven with a glass of wine in his hand. Sigh. Looks as if that bloomin’ hat will live forever!
Meanwhile, how surprising was it that Jack spoke German and knew Shakespeare? He really is everything a woman wants that Det. Jack. Full of surprises, sexy as a bitch, likes wearing shorty shorts in water and leaves us desperately wanting more. Sigh.
Hopefully with Hugh and Dot’s wedding approaching, Miss Fisher and Jack might find a little romance in the air will kick them along to finally get it on!
Three more episodes.
The countdown to some hot loving is on….
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Every Cloud Production and airs Fridays at 8.30pm on ABC1. Click here to read more episode reviews in the series.

I dunno. Miss Fisher is starting to grate on me a bit. She’s becoming way too self obsessed and self satisfied, too smug. I’m not sure I like the way the writers have her still messing about with men when they’ve written all the Jack stuff. It makes her shallow and uncaring.
We’ll see how tomorrow nights episode goes but the show’s slowly losing me and who knows if it has got enough weight for a third series.
Love your reviews though.
Kate must have her own fan club now with more than a few people hanging out for her reviews!
The Phryne-Jack slowmance is awesome but surely we can’t completely dilute Phryne’s character. She is intended to be smug and “messing about with men:) And the show is more than the romance. So there’s no reason it can’t have Season 3. Its precisely the kind of show that can have several seasons, like say Midsomer. Some episodes may be good, some not so much but that’s hardly the point.
The ABC seems to have been on a commissioning spree where they might have been better off concentrating on the better, more successful ones like MFMM.