TV Recap: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, 2×11

The beautiful singing Detective Jack (Nathan Page) and the wonderful Phryne (Essie Davis) at the piano singing ‘Let’s Misbehave’ was possibly the most awesome thing that has happened on Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.

miss fisher ep2x11Ok everyone! We need to calm down. Breathe!

The beautiful singing Detective Jack (Nathan Page) and the wonderful Phryne (Essie Davis) at the piano singing ‘Let’s Misbehave’ was possibly the most awesome thing that has happened on Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. (Excluding when Phrack finally get it on!). Sigh.  I was loving it when just Jack was playing the piano.  I thought to myself, ‘Oh that Jack, he’s good at everything’.  And then came the naughty sing song and I almost passed out from a love overload on the couch.  Betty the cat missed the whole thing after an earlier incident regarding required amounts of Fancy Feast.

Then there was the Hugh (Hugo Johnstone-Burt) and Dottie (Ashleigh Cummings) drama!  Dot taking off her engagement ring when the very traditional Hugh suggested that after marriage that Dottie wouldn’t be working for Miss Fisher, instead she would be a ‘homemaker’. Shiver.  Luckily, Det. Jack explained to Hugh that it’s ‘the paradox of loving a modern woman’.  In my mind, I was trying to stop singing ‘A paradox! A paradox!’ from The Pirates of Penzance for about three hours.  I digress; of course the only bit of common sense about women came from our much loved Detective.  It is only because of this, that I will forgive the wardrobe department for putting our Jack, undercover as Archie, in a knitted Christmas-esque vest, that was eerily like Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy in the Bridget Jones movies. Ugh.  Unpretty!  He briefly looked like a grandpa.  Not sexy. Unless you like the cardy-and-grey-hair-mothballs type of man.  At least the wide brimmed abomination only showed itself in short bursts.

There was a murder or three in this episode too.  Rhys Muldoon was a guest star who tried unsuccessfully to flirt with Phryne, she shut him down at every opportunity.  Is this a new woman emerging?  Or was it only because Jack was there to steal her affections?

After all the drama I needed a good couch nap.  By then, Betty the cat had conveniently forgotten about the Fancy Feast battle of wills.  So, we snugged in together and dreamt of Det. Jack.   In my dream he was wearing shorty shorts.  That knitted woolen grandpa vest along with the wide brimmed abomination had been burned to a cinder.   Betty dreamt he was feeding her in a Lady and the Tramp kind of scenario.

Two episodes to go….and the dreaming has just begun.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Every Cloud Production and airs Fridays at 8.30pm on ABC1. Click here to read more episode reviews in the series.

5 blergs
5 blergs

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