Then the neighbor with the dog and Ernie have a confrontation in the middle of the night and beat each other in the street. The next day his dog and his daughter are poisoned, saved by the neighbor with the screaming child, it looks like Ernie has gone too far. We know that he is innocent. He’s also dealing with an illness that looks like cancer and waiting to be diagnosed. Ernie figures out that the man with the newborn has tried to poison the dog and has accidently poisoned the girl too. He informs his former combatant and the two become friends.
This series has been so perfect. Each episode as moving and beautifully written as the last. There isn’t a flaw in sight. Perfect acting. Perfect stories. Perfectly told. It was great to see Ernie Dingo back on television after a long hiatus, he reminded of us of his talent and his on screen presence. Just beautiful.
If you have missed this series you must go and buy it on DVD and experience the awesomeness of Redfern Now.
Redfern Now airs on ABC1 Thursday 8.30pm