TV Recap: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, 2×13

miss fisher ep 2x13The final of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries has come and gone so quickly.  I have been busting my chops to see the Christmas Special and what a special it was! Four Murders, three attempted murders, two fantastic red fluffy outfits on Miss Fisher (Essie Davis) and one hit on the scone for our delightful Det. Jack! (Nathan Page) Considering the last episode was about a crazy man killing people on the basis of the Twelve Days of Christmas, I think my conclusions were quite witty.


Not as witty as the delectable Aunt Prudence (Miriam Margolyes), of course, using such vernacular as ‘wretched fellow’, ‘turn it orf’ and ‘scarper’ in the one episode.


Nicholas, played by the brilliant and lovable Simon Burke, tried to drown poor old Aunt P in a bird bath!  Meanwhile Jane (Ruby Reece Wymiss) is back from France (yes, that’s where she was this whole time, didn’t you know?).


I had set myself up with a Christmas muffin and a few squares of dark chocolate (alright, alright, I ate the whole block) to watch Miss Fisher and Jack have a pash under the mistletoe, just like the ad suggested.  Then there was no Christmas pashing.  In fact, Jack had more layers on than usual because of the flipping snow! Betty the cat was so upset she took to chasing a wayward fly, catching it on her first attempt. (I blame my repetitious viewing of the Karate Kid for this maneuver).  I too, was deeply distressed and emotionally ate my way through a second muffin. (alright, alright, I ate the tray of four).  I’m blaming the writers for my festive plumpness this time.


It also looked like Det. Jack might sneak into Miss Fisher’s boudoir for a night time surprise….but the surprise was on us when he didn’t take the bait!  Remember ladies, Miss Fisher isn’t classified as a ‘Ho Ho Ho’ now that Jack is divorced (and it has been a while since the last naked man lay, in chains, in her linen).


This season hasn’t been as heart racing as the last but it has still been awesome as tensions heat up between Miss Fisher and Det. Jack, I like that these two have been this season’s focus.  Especially when Jack wore those black shorty shorts to the beach, great focus!  And so, we say farewell to the Miss Fisher clan and hope they return for a third season.  A season set in the summer months where Det. Jack can wear less clothes and go swimming a bit more often.  A season where Miss Fisher and Jack can finally get it on and his ex-wifey dies somewhere in a ditch.


Ladies and gentleman of the ABC, Betty the cat and I bid ye farewell for now, until Rake returns next year when I will be following the exploits of the bumbling Cleaver Greene (Richard Roxburgh).  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a fabbo New Year, thank you all for reading and commenting on our beloved Miss Fisher, it has been a wonderful season with all of you delightfully enthusiastic fans out there.


Now, fetch me a silly hat and some jelly shots….it’s Christmas after all!


Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Every Cloud Production and airs Fridays at 8.30pm on ABC1. Click here to read more episode reviews in the series.


3 blergs
3 blergs (because there was no naughtiness)


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  • Really have enjoyed your blergs Kate-Ida. Hopefully will read more of them if and when a Season 3 is commissioned. Keep up the writing – love it!

  • will Betty the Cat and you, Kate-Ida be blerging on Season 3 – its already underway and I am desperate to know how you and your feline friend are coping with all the Phryne – developments so far!

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