The second last episode of this great new Aussie drama leaves us in a state of curiosity, as Jamie, the mother who is so often spoken of in harsh words, gets ready to come back to Casino and face the music. Does she want Odin (Kelton Pell) back? Now that he is finally with Libby (Lisa Flanagan) can Jamie ruin it, just by her return? How will Electra (Rarriwuy Hick) and Athena (Miah Madden) cope? The last episode certainly seems like we are going to be in for some fireworks. Let’s hope they are not of the ‘rekindled’ love type either!
All the while Odie lies in a coma after the brutal beating from ghastly super villain Jonesy Brown (Frederick Copperwaite). Poor of Tristan (Mark Coles Smith) thinks he did it! Luckily that’s sorted out quickly when Anastasia (Millie Samuels) attends court and admits she saw ‘two men’ beating Odie after Tristan left. Unfortunately, Jonesy Brown has hitched a ride and disappeared like the dirty scoundrel he is!
Petra (Mouche Phillips), is visiting Ares (Bruce Carter) in prison as Anastasia stands up to her abusive father once and for all, his power is slowly waning as he grips harder for control of his family.
There looks to be a new romance on the cards as local policeman Wayne tries very awkwardly to flirt with Isolde (Shari Sebbens) but she seems away with the fairies at times, chances are she hasn’t even noticed!
Life continues on as Odie, in an induced coma, relives his life through dreams. His mother Eden (Ursula Yovich) is with him guiding him to a crossroads where he must have the courage to ‘save himself’ in a sequence that was both poetic and beautiful.
There’s only one episode left. Will Ares ever change? Will Isolde ever find out if she gets into the fashion course? Will Electra ever forgive her mother? Can they meet the mortgage repayments? Is there any hope for Tristan and Anastasia? Will Jonesy Brown ever face the music and be caught for the bad egg he is?
I guess we have to wait until next week! Until then.
The Gods of Wheat Street airs on ABC1 at 8:30pm on Saturday nights