Game of Thrones: What can viewers expect from season six?

After an excruciatingly long wait, Game of Thrones recently returned to our screens. The epic fantasy world of liars, cheats, dragons and Dire wolves is now venturing into the unknown, as the TV series overtook the original source material for the first time. So, what massive revelations may be in store for viewers during season six? Spoiler alert for the books and the TV show.

Game of Thrones is now so popular, that you can’t go anywhere without hearing about it. It’s even got its own spin-off slot machine housed at, and various other games related to the series. In the slot machine, players can choose which of the famous houses of Westeros they wish to represent, including Lannister, Targaryen, and Stark. This is a great way to get a Game of Thrones fix between episodes. The show’s viewers literally live and breathe all things Westeros, so, in order to know what everyone is talking about, you had better be up to date.

So, in the first episode of the new season there were still a few storylines left unresolved. The big one is the fact that everybody’s favourite white walker slayer is still stone cold dead. Fans of Jon Snow probably shouldn’t be worrying too much, though, because until that body is burned then anything could happen. The most plausible theory is that the Red Woman, Melisandre, will somehow resurrect the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. But this may not happen for a few episodes yet.

The huge revelation at the end of the episode, which revealed Melisandre’s true appearance, may not come as a surprise to book readers, as in the book she often talks about being hundreds of years old. The reason why this was shown now could be to give viewers an idea of how strong her magic is. Strong enough to bring someone back to life, perhaps? If Jon Snow does return, though, he may be significantly different.

Sansa Stark now looks as though she is about to have things go her way. After suffering for so many seasons at the hands of Joffrey and, most recently, Ramsay Bolton, it’s about time that she starts exacting some revenge. Luckily, Brienne of Tarth has finally caught up with her and should be able to help Sansa rally some Northern troops to take back Winterfell from the evil Boltons.

Arya was shown briefly, begging on the streets of Braavos and without the use of her eyes. She took a beating from the Waif from the House of Black and White, but this should be all part of her journey to become an ultimate faceless assassin.

“game_of_thrones_daenerys_targaryen_emili” (CC BY 2.0) by Peter23394

Daenerys is in a spot of bother. Having been taken captive by Dothraki, she eventually had to come clean about being the widow of Khal Drogo to avoid being raped. On the downside, it turns out that widows of former Khals must go and live out their days in a desolate place known as Vaes Dothrak. Hopefully Jorah and Daario, or possibly Drogon the dragon will rescue her before then.

Tyrion was shown wandering around the streets of Meereen, seemingly lacking a plan for once. But some viewers have a sneaky suspicion he may decide to let the other dragons loose at some point soon.

This is set to be the most epic season yet, and it is not one to be missed.

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