Unrealistic Gambling Themed Movie Moments

When you watch movies with a gambling moment in there, you might think it’s incredibly realistic and well done. More often than not however, these scenes are unrealistic at best and downright silly at worst. Here are the scenes that we’ve seen that fit this description.


Let’s start with the name of this one, could a movie about blackjack be any cheesier? The premise isn’t much better, as Kevin Spacey appears to show a blackjack rookie the ropes of his secret card counting society. This medical school prodigy is of course, amazing at counting cards too.

The worst aspect of this movie for proper gamblers is the fact that they don’t seem to have put a lot of effort into understanding how card counting actually works. They’ve simplified the process so much for Hollywood appeal that you’d be forgiven for thinking these guys just have some sort of magic power. Their blackjack lingo is also equally likely to make you cringe.


This movie takes the star studded duo of Matt Damon and Edward Norton then squandered their acting talent on a poor script. It’s all about the world of underground gambling and it would have you believe that these rings operate on every shady alley. These two players are portrayed to be experts but their strategy would be sadly lacking in real life.

If you were to play as these pair do in PayPal casinos, like the ones on paypal-casinos.co, you would be down on your luck before you know it. Their betting strategy leads them to stringing bets, simply adding more and more to their bet initially. While this may make the movie a bit more suspenseful, it wouldn’t actually work in real life.

Picture1Casino Royale

Pretty much every single James Bond movie is guilty of an element of fantasy, especially when it comes to casino games. Casino Royale takes us on a journey to a jackpot with Daniel Craig, though the odds are overwhelmingly in his favour.

The hands that he is dealt are unrealistic and often almost impossible to replicate, giving a bit of a rose tinted view of gambling. With these games, the likelihood of those exact cards and hands are minimal.


This movie with Mel Gibson came in his heyday and contains a decent amount of 90s film cheesiness. Think Mad Max levels of silliness, with Jodie Foster appearing as the leading lady in this film. It’s predictably about a legendary player proving that he’s the best player around in a high stakes game. He takes to the mean tables once more to take on the young bucks and win it all.

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