Movies Are Great, So Is Your Eye Health

As avid film watchers, we often forget that our eyes are subject to some heavy pressure. Screens dry out the eyes and can lead to fatigue. So how exactly can you look after your eyes? 

Photo: Unsplash

If you are one of those people who spend more than 4-5 hours every day in front of a screen, it is time to take steps to relax your eyes! Screens have now flooded our daily lives. Especially those who work with a computer, spend more than 12 hours in front of a screen if we take into account those of smartphones, tablets and, of course, televisions. As much as we like this contact with technology, it continues to be a problem for our eyes. You may need eyeglasses. There are so many frames available today that you could even emulate your favorite movie character with frames of choice. Save your frames and choose a new lens to suit your eye condition best. 

Common symptoms of long-term use of screens are tired or irritated eyes that are accompanied by some blurred vision or drying of the eye itself. The latter happens because our eyes focus on the screen and try to stay open without the useful opening and closing that moistens them. However, the general use of screens can also cause problems beyond the eyes, such as headaches, as well as neck pain.

As screens become more and more common in our lives, scientists have been particularly concerned with eye-gonomics and have published several guides with tips. Then, we have collected the latest and valid tips that will help you relax your eyes and make the long hours of use of screens more enjoyable, without annoying pains. 

Do your eyes already cause problems in front of the TV screen?

If you have had a vision problem before, you may be entering the high-risk zone with eye fatigue problems faster. This is natural as your eyes have to deal with both the problem and the complexity of digital content. In fact, the glasses you may have for vision problems can negatively affect eye fatigue if you use them on the computer.  

Better resolution, more diagonal, less fatigue

The screen resolution of the device plays an important role in eye fatigue. When you’re watching your movie from a laptop, be sure that you have the right resolution and the screen isn’t too bright. Research has shown that high definition screens on TVs (of course, with high definition images), tablets and laptops are more relaxing to the eyes due to better clarity than older screens. Also, complex procedures on a small screen, such as reading or gaming on a smartphone contribute to the appearance of visual fatigue. So be sure to use the appropriate screen for each function. If you work on projects that require detail, such as design, large diagonal and high resolution screens are not only more productive, but also more relaxing. If you have an older CRT monitor, make sure it is replaced immediately. If this is not possible, check the scan rate. Prohibit yourself from using it if it cannot exceed 75Hz.

Keep the right distance 

We know that when a movie is incredibly captivating, we may get close to the screen or lean in to see what is going to happen next. However, this is the most common cause of visual fatigue is the wrong distance between the eyes and the screen. For a better view, with your body in an upright position, extend your arm. The correct position of the screen is where your palm rests. The top of the screen should be at eye level or slightly below. The screen should be positioned vertically and not rotated. These and many more are summarized in the picture below.

Proper lighting is key!

Eye strain is often caused by strong light which can be either natural sunlight or room lighting. When using a computer, ambient lighting should be about half the brightness of most offices. Use blinds for the exterior lighting and fewer lamps for the interior, and if possible, position the screen so that the window is on the side instead of in front or behind it. 

Minimize flashes

Reflections of light on walls or on the screen itself are very likely to cause eye strain. If the space does not have blinds, to avoid reflections you can get an anti-glare filter or a cover, like the one used by many graphic designers. If the problem is severe and you have the ability, change the white color of some walls with a darker matte color. If you wear glasses, make sure they have an anti-reflective coating.

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