In the second last ‘November’ installment of Australia’s crazy drama Conspiracy 365 a lot of loose ends have been tied up. Except for the whole ‘Ormond Singularity’ but other than that everything seems to be coming together well.
Cal (Harrison Gilbertson) has found his secretly snatched at birth twin brother Samuel, who goes by the name Ryan and is also played by Gilbertson. Ryan is a bit annoyed to find out his whole life is a complete lie and that his ‘Uncle Toecutter’ is the one that took him in the first place. After confronting his fake mum he turns to Cal and has a crack at speaking to Emily (Kate Kendall) to try and feel some kind of belonging. Unfortunately Emily is being drugged by dirty creep features Uncle Rafe (David Whiteley). All she does is drink tea with poison in it. No wonder she’s doper than usual! With a proposal from Rafey McCreep poor old Emily doesn’t even know what day of the week it is.
Here’s my theory. Now, I haven’t read the books by Gabrielle Lord but I’m going to take a stab in the dark and suggest that dirty Uncle Rafe is behind this whole thing because he wants to have the ‘Ormond Singularity’ for himself. Technically he would be next in line after his conveniently older brother (Cal’s Dad) died? He poisoned dodgy forger and lawyer Rathbone (Nicholas Bell) so he wouldn’t be exposed about the Great grandfather’s ‘magical’ will being something that I haven’t figured out yet. Regardless, now he wants to marry Emily and take his place as the ‘rightful’ beneficiary of the ‘singularity’ as well as getting it on with his dead brother’s wife. Classy huh?
I also believe that creepy Rafe organised the kidnap of his twin nephews Cal and Samuel (Ryan) when they were two, so he would be the last ‘Ormond’ standing, hence making him the guy who gets the gold at the end of the day. Remember, Uncle Rafey-not-Safey was looking after both boys when they were taken all those moons ago. Coincidence? I don’t think so! Now, when ‘Toecutter’ failed at his end of the bargain and unexpectedly returned one of the boys, our beloved teen hero Cal, Rafe started his campaign to get the ‘singularity’ and have his dead brother’s family. It was merely convenient that Cal’s dad Tom died (or was it???) after having been to Ireland and had all the info to get this singularity show on the road.
Why is Rafe drugging Emily? Is that the only way he can get chicks? Sicko!
In a stint of great timing Winter (Marnie Kennedy) unveils that her parents wills were forged by Rathbone and confronts a furious Vulcan (Rob Carlton) about her suspicions. He admits her parents deaths were supposed to be an accident and that he took her in, as his ward, out of guilt for cutting the break line of their car that fateful day. Choosing to stand up and expose him Winter becomes just another one of his problems to be disposed of. It starts getting messy when Cal turns up at the car yard looking for her and Vulcan realizes she’s been plotting against him from the start.
As Cal and Winter lie in a shipping container bound for Shanghai they wait for super bestie Bogues (Taylor Glockner) to save them. Luckily, Cal’s phone tracking device is turned on and has been left in an old car. Whew! With one episode to go let’s hope Uncle Rafe gets a good beating and Cal gets his ‘Ormond Singularity’. If anything, just so we know what on earth it is. 31 days to go.
Conspiracy 365 is a Circa Media Production and airs on FMC