TV Recap: The Doctor Blake Mysteries, Episode 2

dr blake ep2Oh, Dr. Blake you are so very clever! Your cleverness is all that is keeping me from getting a teeny bit bored with the second installment of the new ABC murder mystery The Doctor Blake Mysteries. Sexy man and sexy beard? Yes!  Interesting story that keeps me entertained? Not really…. 

Look, Craig, I need more! (I know it’s not your fault but Stuart Page has already written the series!) More backstory about the characters and how they all fit in together, more deep dark secrets waiting to be exposed and freak me out, more information on Danny and Mattie and why they live with the good Doctor.  So far, we know that Dr. Blake has taken over his father’s practice in Ballarat and seems to be not as ‘genius’ as his dear old dad.  We also know that Jean (Nadine Gardner) was his father’s housekeeper and she is very cute.  We learned that Blake’s wife and daughter were lost at the fall of Singapore and that he’s an alcoholic. He’s also a very good weeper.  Having cried twice in two episodes and making me cry also.

I was also wondering if there was an actor shortage going on?  Who should I see in a police uniform all dapper and professional but David Whitely, also known as dirty Uncle Rafe in Conspiracy 365Now, don’t get me wrong.  There are plenty of great moments in this series so far including references to Dr. Blake using his bone saw to cut a roast and awesome ways to be murdered including a punch to the throat as well as body stealing and radiation poisoning cover ups by the army.  It’s just a bit, well, flat.dr blake mysteries

Perhaps I’m used to Miss Fisher’s extravagant ways.  Perhaps as the series gets going we will see some real action going on. Playing pool and drinking in a men’s only club is a bit of a bore.  Even for the intended ABC audience. Where’s the action? The heartwarming stuff? Craig bursting into song? Where’s the awesomeness I saw in episode one?  Where’s the love story? The scenes where we want to rip off Blake’s shirt Det. Jack (Nathan Page) style?

At the moment all I want to do is iron his blasted shirts and hang them neatly in his cupboard so I can go to bed. Sigh. It has to get better than this.  I have faith in ‘The Power of Craig’ (known as TPOC). So, let’s hope he can show us his awesomeness.  I know it’s in there. Dancing would be a nice start. Yes, less weeping and more dancing. May TPOC be with us all, and the sooner the better.

The Doctor Blake Mysteries airs on Fridays at 8:30pm on ABC1. Read more episode reviews of this series.

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2 blergs





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