TV Recap: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, 2×07

Whew! I was going to start this recap with all of the witty things that happened in last night’s episode. Hugh (Hugo Johnstone-Burt) comparing a car to Dot’s (Ashleigh Cummings) sewing machine.

miss fisher ep7Whew!  I was going to start this recap with all of the witty things that happened in last night’s episode.  Hugh (Hugo Johnstone-Burt) comparing a car to Dot’s (Ashleigh Cummings) sewing machine.  Miss Fisher’s (Essie Davis) karate chop to the neck of a suspect.  Dot pretending to be a Russian rally driver and her attempt at making up a magazine name ‘The Women’s Monthly’, was quite amusing indeed.

Then the moment between Jack (Nathan Page) and Phryne happened at the end!!

OMG women of the ABC!!  There is nothing more to talk about in this recap except that moment.  With Jack thinking that Phryne was in that car wreck, he realised he actually loves her! HE LOVES HER!! Did you see his eyes well up with tears when he said they couldn’t work together anymore? I was weeping like a little baby.  Betty the cat left the room for a moment to compose herself.  Poor Jack would rather ignore his feelings and push poor Phryne away than work with her and admit he loves her big time.

Jack was so cranky for the majority of the episode, I knew something was up.  I was more hoping his ugly ex-wifey had died in a hideous drowning accident but alas, no luck on that front.  Instead we see our beautiful Detective putting a little piece of his heart on the line.  Ladies, (and Gentleman, there no limits on who our Jack’s fans are) this is part of a bigger picture we have been waiting for through one and a half seasons!!

I’ve seen the next episode.  I can’t tell you anything.  I know, I know, it’s a curse!!!

All we need to focus on now is that our delicious, teared up Det. Jack has taken the first steps in an admission to loving Miss Fisher.  What a wonderful way to end the episode.  Even Betty, a knower of all things Fishy didn’t guess how it would end!  Now, all we need is Phryne to make the first move and we might finally get a glimpse of Det. Jack in his undergarments by the end of the season.  And that, my dear ladies of the ABC, is certainly worth waiting for.  (Please note Betty and author drooling at time of writing……)

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is an Every Cloud Production and airs Fridays at 8.30pm on ABC1. Click here to read more episode reviews in the series.

5 blergs
5 blergs





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