Classic Screen Slaps: Week 5

Upon researching classic slap scenes for this eight-week feature on Film Blerg, I came across one particular scene that fit perfectly for this week’s…

TV Review: The Slap: Connie

TV Review: The Slap: Connie

It wasn’t that long ago that I was a teenager. Those seven years of awkwardness and raging hormones strike me now as something akin…

Film Review: Red State (2011)

Film Review: Red State (2011)

Marketed as “an unlikely film from that Kevin Smith”, Red State does seem rather left-of-centre from the man who brought us Clerks and Chasing…

TV Review: The Slap: Anouk

TV Review: The Slap: Anouk

If you were living under a rock, then perhaps you might not have heard about the ABC adaptation of Christos Tsiolkas’ novel The Slap.