Film Review: Anna Karenina (2012)

Film Review: Anna Karenina (2012)

Despite its faithfulness, the story is dull and dreary, and neither Stoppard, Wright, nor the actors change the fact. The one exception is Matthew Macfadyen, whose comical and lively performance is a breath of fresh air amongst the turgid, boring love affair being played out before our eyes.

Film Review: Lincoln (2012)

Film Review: Lincoln (2012)

Daniel Day-Lewis has once again created another legendary performance, embodying Lincoln with tremendous grace and tenderness. Day-Lewis intensely inhabits the character most impressively with his voice, rarely raised above a calm and collected tone. Though no recordings of Lincoln’s voice existed – having died a short time before Edison’s phonograph was invented – it feels safe to say that Day-Lewis nails it.

Film Review: Compliance (2012)

Film Review: Compliance (2012)

Psychologist Dr. Stanley Milgram carried out experiments at Yale University in the 1960s. These experiments tested the degree to which subjects would follow instructions…